Visiting Angels
5.0 /5
3 Verified Reviews
1420 5th Ave, #2200A, Seattle, WA 98101, US
(206) 439-2458
3 Verified Reviews
5.0 /5
We've used Visiting Angels in Seattle since my wife went on hospice 14 months ago. She has since fully recovered (!). We had 24-hour care at first, then as my wife gradually got better, reduced the hours and days until now we just have someone come a few hours two days a week now. Visiting Angels' caregivers were always well-prepared; the quality varied when we had several coming each day at first, but overall were excellent and always were caring, on time, and attentive. Visiting Angels itself was extremely responsive, adjusted times whenever we asked, ensured that we always had coverage, and were friendly and helpful while doing so. Most of the caregivers were excellent, and the one we have continued to use for many months is simply wonderful--smart, caring, great personality. She's become a friend as well as a caregiver. Expensive, yes. But great.

5.0 /5
The Port Orchard receptionist was calming and warm. She kindly took my information and I am looking forward to a call and assessment 🙂

5.0 /5
I met a young lady at Walmart in Renton WA her name is Tatiana Hernandez/Hernandes she said she would like to be my caregiver I lost. her phone number and I would like to get her as my caregiver and also my neighbor and son. My phone number is 206 -712-8997 Could you please give her my phone number and have her call me ASAP Thank You